We are a group of creatives, writers and content creators with the purpose of impacting current culture and the next generations, by teaching, informing and illustrating about the current times, and the weak foundations (lack of values) with which society is building; which will not be able to withstand the events that are coming.
Palemon y Patricia Camu

Palemón Camú is an Architect. Designer and restless visionary who has pioneered different projects throughout his career, he has formed groups, founded schools and research centers. He was recognized and awarded by the Mexican Institute of Oceanography for the five-month navigation expedition called “Man and the Sea” from Mexico to Spain. The survival equipment designed by Palemon Camu was tested during this effort. In 1977, vessels designed in the style of the fourteenth century and survival equipment were installed and are currently exhibited in the Museum of La Magdalena in Spain. Registered as the longest trailer in history by means of a sailboat.
Patricia Camú has technical studies in Advertising, Artistic Photography and Practical Theology. She has been a lecturer, teacher and counselor in Mexico and the United States.
In 1986, together they graduated in Practical Theology at the Christ for Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. From 1986 – 1991 they were directors and founders of Amistad Cristiana A.C. in La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico. An association for the purpose of supporting the family, drug addicts and persons deprived of liberty; Currently this group is called Redes Vida Cristiana A.C.
In 1998, they founded the Spanish School of the Bible Institute of Christ for the Nations (CFNI), in the city of Dallas, Texas, of which they were teachers.
In 2006 they left the direction of the Institute to start the“Renacimiento Cultural Foundation”, an organization aimed to “impact a culture that transforms a lifestyle.” From that venture Palemon created Next Page Publishing in 2019, producing content for social media and books. Currently they joined JesusGen to continue this effort to reach the new generations.
In 2016 Patricia wrote and published the book “,” a compilation of personal experiences and thoughts.
Currently Palemon is a member of the Board of Directors of the Museum of the History of the Earth (M.O.E.H) and a member of the Governing Body of Christ For The Nations Inc.
Palemon and Patricia reside in the City of Dallas and had been married for 50 years and counting; Palemón and Patricia are parents of two children, Ramir and Karlet
(their best contribution to humanity), and proud grandparents of six